Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico | Blue for Your Health | Winter 2020
VA L U E - ADD E D S E R V I C E S AND C ENT ENN I A L R EWARDS F O R P R E GNAN T MEMB E R S Reap the rewards Infant car seat, crib, and baby wrap carrier at no cost to you If you are pregnant, you can receive a car seat, portable crib, and/or baby wrap carrier for your infant.*
To get the car seat :
To get the crib : ■ ■ Participate in the Special Beginnings maternity program ■ ■ Visit your OB provider during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy or within 42 days of enrollment in Blue Cross Community Centennial ■ ■ Call BCBSNM at 888-421-7781 (TTY: 711 ) to learn more
To get the baby wrap carrier : ■ ■ Participate in the Special Beginnings maternity program ■ ■ Visit your OB provider for a postpartum visit between 21 and 56 days after delivery ■ ■ Contact Special Beginnings at 888-421-7781 (TTY: 711 ) for a baby wrap carrier request form, then fax the completed form to 505-816-3854 *Limit: 1 car seat per newborn, 1 portable crib per newborn, 1 baby wrap carrier per newborn
■ ■ Participate in the Special Beginnings maternity program; there is no charge to participate in this program ■ ■ See your obstetrics (OB) provider for eight prenatal visits
about the Safe Sleep Program
Your Blue Cross Community Centennial health plan offers a Special Beginnings program for pregnant members. The program includes: ■ ■ Extra help for moms with special problems during pregnancy ■ ■ A 24-hour toll-free tele- phone hotline; you can talk Centennial Rewards Program To receive $100 in reward points: ■ ■ Participate in BCBSNM’s Special Beginnings program ■ ■ Register for Centennial Rewards by calling 877-806-8964 (TTY: 844-488-9722 )—or go to and choose your reward!
Special Beginnings ® for healthier moms and babies
with maternity nurses and ask questions ■ ■ Educational materials about your pregnancy, such as good nutrition and how babies grow ■ ■ Personal phone calls from a trained nurse to talk to you about how you and your baby are doing Call toll-free 888-421-7781 (TTY: 711 ) to participate or to
get more information about this program. You can also email NMCNTLSpecial . Participating in Special Beginnings is encouraged for pregnant Blue Cross Community Centennial members.
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