Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico | Blue for Your Health | Winter 2020
Are you getting the care you need, when you need it?
Every spring BCBSNM collects information to see if our Medicaid members are getting the care they need, when they need it. BCBSNM looks at the prior year to see if health behaviors are improving or not improving. This is the sixth year that we have looked at our Centennial Care members’ results. The results showed that some health care behaviors improved, and some did not improve.
Annual Dental Exam It is important to have a dental checkup every year. We looked to see if all children ages 2 to 20 had a dental visit in 2019. Over 67% of members got their dental visit. Remember to schedule an appointment with your dental provider in 2020.
Diabetes Care If you have diabetes, it is important to make sure you are getting the right tests. Diabetes can affect different parts of your body. It can cause blindness if your blood sugar is high for a long time. Your kidneys can stop working correctly if your blood sugar is too high. BCBSNM has a disease man- agement program that can help you learn ways to manage your diabetes. All results increased slightly from last year. Please remember to get your blood sugar tested regularly, a retinal or dilated eye exam every year, and a urine test.
2018 (measuring 2017 visits)
2019 (measuring 2018 visits)
Getting yearly dental visit 64.4%
Care of Members with Asthma Asthma can be a very hard condition to control. If you have asthma, it is important to make sure you are seeing your PCP. Your PCP will make sure you are taking the right medication to control your asthma. BCBSNM has a pediatric asthma disease management program that can help children learn how to take care of their asthma.
2018 (measuring 2017 visits)
2019 (measuring 2018 visits)
Getting A1C test Getting retinal or dilated eye exam
82.0% 51.1%
83.0% 53.8%
Getting urine test
Controlling Blood Pressure If you have high blood pressure, try to keep it below 140/90. Getting your blood pressure checked regularly by your PCP will help. Remember to always take your blood pressure medication. The
2018 (measuring 2017 visits)
2019 (measuring 2018 visits)
Refilling asthma medication
Medicaid member satisfaction
You may have gotten a satisfaction survey this past spring. BCBSNM wanted to find out how happy you are with BCBSNM and your provider. BCBSNM would like to thank you for doing the survey or answering the questions over the phone. The satisfaction survey is called the Con- sumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS). From the results of the seven areas highlighted, our adult Medicaid members indicated satisfac- tion increasing in two areas: customer service and rating of personal doctor.
Adults—percent who said they were “always” or “usually” satisfied with:
2018 2019
Getting care quickly Getting needed care Customer service Rating of health plan Rating of all health care Rating of personal doctor
84% 80% 82% 82% 88% 90% 75% 75% 78% 74% 81% 84% 88% 84%
Rating of specialist seen most often
The child survey also indicated increased satisfac- tion with customer service.
6 Blue for Your Health Winter 2020
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